I would like to say a few words regarding our future vision for Main St. Church of Christ. We remain dependent upon God and God alone. We find ourselves in a time of great uncertainty and spiritual darkness. The challenges of our time will not be overcome according to the flesh. I appeal to you to join us as we earnestly seek God on behalf of our nation; in particular, for East Dallas. The Lord will surely do for us more than we can ask or imagine.
That being said, there are several things that we can do to better position ourselves to be used by God. I remain convinced that the Main Street Church of Christ represents one of the foremost domestic mission opportunities for the Churches of Christ in the nation. We own an extremely valuable piece of property in the heart of what will be a downtown scene in the next 5 to 10 years. Our church will be within walking distance for a great number of people. The neighborhood is currently being transformed.
James Burton Coffman raised $1 million in the '60s to establish the Manhattan Church of Christ. By today's standards, this would be close to $10 million dollars. During this project, Manhattan had the most expensive real estate in the world. Coffman saw that there were no Churches of Christ in one of the most densely populated places in the nation. Conveniently for us, we do not have to move to New York. This missions opportunity is right here in the Bible belt, downtown Dallas.
By the providence of God and the sacrifice of Kelly Lawson and others, we do not have to raise ten million dollars to realize our vision. We simply need to make some minor renovations. We're blessed to have a nice church building that needs some tender love and care. It currently has a 1970’s feel and we would like to transform it into the 2020s. We want people who drive by to know that Christians worship here and this is not just an abandoned building. We believe this revitalization will open up new ministry opportunities. We are blessed to have a small mission-minded congregation that earnestly desires to grow. We are looking for individuals as well as churches who share our vision and compassion for the homeless. We are currently in discussions with our board of trustees in the planning for this renovation project. In times of moral decline, we need an aggressive domestic missions vision in the heart of Dallas. We hope you will consider joining us as we begin to seek funding.
Please keep us in your prayers and ask the Lord to direct our path as well as prosper us. Pray that he will send the right people in order to restore His house of worship.
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is worthy
William Ralston
Main Street Church Of Christ
4300 Main St, Dallas, Texas 75226, United States
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